Sunday, December 6, 2015

3 Exercises to Keep You Strong During Pregnancy

Koa Fit trainer, Missy Hughes is expecting this month and shared her top 3 exercises that have kept her feeling strong and pain-free through her pregnancy.

1) Alternate Arm and Leg Raise - For Core Strength and Back Support

Start on your hands and knees, with hands directly under your shoulders, and knees directly under your hips.  Keep your spine ling and your shoulders away from your ears.  Tighten your tummy by "grounding" or gently pushing into the floor with the left hand and right knee.  Without letting your torso move, raise the right arm and left leg out long as you stabilize with your core.  Return to your start position and repeat on the other side.

2) Weighted Lunge on Step - For Pelvic Stability, Glute Strength, and Balance

Start in a lunge position with your front foot on a step.  Lengthen your spine, tighten your tummy, and gently draw the shoulder blades down and together.  Lower down into the lunge creating a 90 degree bend in both knees.  Press through the front foot, making sure weight is even and not on the toes, squeeze from the butt and press yourself back to standing, keep your chest tall.  Repeat 8-12 times and then switch legs.

You can do this exercise with or without dumbbells depending on your fitness and energy level.  Using a step under the front foot, will help get a little more glute/butt activation.

3) Kneeling Twist - For Spinal Mobility, Oblique Strengthening, and Pelvic Floor Activation

Start in a split stance with 90 degree bends in both knees and a pad under the back knee for protection.  Make sure the front knee is directly over the front ankle.  Use an unweighted bar (or broom handle) to help keep your shoulders open.  Ground or press into the floor with your front foot and your back knee to feel you pelvis stabilize.  Keep your spine long and your hips square to the front as you slowly start to rotate towards the front knee.  Rotate as far as you can without letting your lower body shift.  Come back to center and start to rotate the opposite direction, making sure the front knee does not move towards the center.  Repeat 8-10 times and switch sides.

As always, check with your doctor about any exercise program before starting.