Tuesday, February 9, 2016

5 Butt Exercises for Injury Prevention

Recently, I was featured on the Athleta Chi Blog with my good friend, Colleen Cannon from Women's Quest.  Together we put together a routine for the all-important booty that you could do anywhere (literally anywhere, we were on a beach in Costa Rica).  Our butts do more for us than attract a potential mate.  They support our low backs, hips, knees and ankles.  They are key players in our balance and they help us prevent injury while we are out playing.

Our program focused primarily on the glute maximus and glute medius.  Being a past professional triathlete, Colleen was most in need of strengthening herself laterally (side-to-side).  Check out the whole program on the Athleta website, including instructions and photos of each exercise, by clicking here.