Having a strong core is important to everyone. Athletes need strong cores to stay balanced, prevent injury, and create more power. Working people need to combat the damage that is done while sitting at a desk or standing all day. New moms need to regain strength after their pregnancy and a strong core helps prevent back pain. No matter who you are, a strong core can help you in your daily life movements of pushing, pulling, twisting, lifting, etc.
This quick core routine can be done at home or at the gym. All you need is space, a mat, and yourself.
Core Routine
Start on all fours and extend your right arm and your left leg(See picture at far left). Tightening your tummy, balance in this position and then slowly draw the left knee to the right elbow as you round your back (See pic to the left). Extend the arm and the leg and return to your start position. Perform the movement ten times, then switch to the other side.

Plank - Hold 30sec - 60sec
Place your forearms and elbows on the mat, with your elbows directly below your shoulders. Straighten your legs behind you with your knees off the mat. Your body weight should be held up by your elbows and toes. Pull the belly-button in and try to lengthen your torso, making sure your hips do not sink to the floor or raise to the ceiling. Hold this position. If you feel this exercise in your back. Drop to your knees for a modified version.
Start in the plank position described above. Maintaining your position, slowly lift your right foot off the floor followed by your left. Continue to "march" left then right for 10 - 15 lifts on each side. Make sure belly does not sag and hips do not lift towards the ceiling.
Roll to one side. Line up your shoulders, hips, and feet so you are in a straight line. Prop your elbow directly under your shoulder with your forearm perpendicular to your body. Lift the hips up so that you body weight is held up by your feet and your elbow. Make sure hips do not twist or get pushed forward or backward from the line of your body. Hold and repeat on the opposite side.
Side Plank with Leg Lift - 10 - 12 lifts each side
Single Leg Bridge - 10-12 each side
Start lying on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Extend one leg straight out so the knees are parallel. Place your hands palms down on the floor. Tighten your torso, push through the heel of the foot on the floor and raise your hips towards the ceiling. Slowly lower to your starting position. Repeat 10-12 times then repeat on the other side.
Hip Extension - 10-12 each side
Start on all fours with your hands beneath your shoulders and your knee below your hips. Contract your core by pulling your belly-button to your spine, keeping your back flat. Extend the left leg straight out behind you so that it is level with your torso. Squeeze your butt and hamstring to raise the leg slightly up towards the ceiling. Don't let your back arch! Do 10-12 repetitions and then repeat on the other side.
Superman - Hold 15sec-1min
Back Extension - 10-12 repetitions
Start lying face down on your mat. Tighten your core, straighten your legs, and gently lift your head, shoulders, and chest off the ground. Try to reach legs straight and back as your lift. Hold for 2 seconds then return to your starting position.
If done correctly, core exercises can help support and lengthen your spine while giving you more power through your activities. It is important to start gentle. Also, if you have an occurrence of pain, stop immediately. As always, consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
Start in the side plank position except bend the knee of the bottom leg. Raise your hips up using your knee and your elbow to hold your body weight. Straighten and lift the top leg towards the ceiling. Make sure the foot and leg do not twist. Repeat 10 - 12 times then repeat on the opposite side.
Start lying on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Extend one leg straight out so the knees are parallel. Place your hands palms down on the floor. Tighten your torso, push through the heel of the foot on the floor and raise your hips towards the ceiling. Slowly lower to your starting position. Repeat 10-12 times then repeat on the other side.
Start on all fours with your hands beneath your shoulders and your knee below your hips. Contract your core by pulling your belly-button to your spine, keeping your back flat. Extend the left leg straight out behind you so that it is level with your torso. Squeeze your butt and hamstring to raise the leg slightly up towards the ceiling. Don't let your back arch! Do 10-12 repetitions and then repeat on the other side.
Start face down on your mat, arms reaching above your head. Tighten your core by lifting navel to your spin and bring your stomach slightly off the mat. Keeping your core tight, raise arms and legs up towards the ceiling. Keep breathing! While holding try to straighten arms and legs as much as possible. Hold for 15-60 seconds.
Start lying face down on your mat. Tighten your core, straighten your legs, and gently lift your head, shoulders, and chest off the ground. Try to reach legs straight and back as your lift. Hold for 2 seconds then return to your starting position.
If done correctly, core exercises can help support and lengthen your spine while giving you more power through your activities. It is important to start gentle. Also, if you have an occurrence of pain, stop immediately. As always, consult your physician before starting any exercise program.